Welcome in a game Sub Hunter 4 : Project becher//10400 Mission 1: Examinatio//11000 in this window you can see all important messages.//11600 ctrl = shot, escape = pause, space= menu//12200Don't forget you must take a air sometime to the submarine//13000 Base: Welcome in work sir.//13800Base: You are basic patrol today... //14800 Yes sir//15400 We see some things on the radar sir//16000:We will move there sir. //16600 It looks like submarines. //17400 Base: We must contact them, that they must move away from our place.//18000 Here is a submarines B646, you must move away.//18600They don't answer us sir, what we can do? //19400They are attacking to us.//20300 Base: Destroy them.//21100Yes sir,but we need help. //22000Base: You must wait help is moving to you. Yes sir//24100 It looks good sir i think we have won....//24700 We see one more grou· on the radar.//31800 Ok destroy them and keep the place. //32400 Complete sir //3300 Base: Good job captain//33600